About the Brand

Founder Rea Ann Silva’s experience spans a 20-year journey as one of the most sought-after Hollywood makeup artists in the industry. As the creative force behind beautyblender, she single-handedly changed the beauty game. The one-of-a-kind edgeless makeup sponge ensured her clients looked impeccable on camera in high-definition. The category-creator quickly won countless beauty awards and is now beloved by both makeup aficionados and newbies as the go-to tool for achieving a perfectly blended complexion. Today, beautyblender continues to drive innovation with products that require minimal effort yet offer maximum results.


6 wyników

  • Popularność
  • Cena: od niskiej do wysokiej
  • Cena: od wysokiej do niskiej
  • Wysokość rabatu
  • Najnowsze
0 Wybrane
1 Opcja(e)
  • Tools & Accessories (2)
0 Wybrane
1 Opcja(e)
  • Sponges & Applicators (1)
0 Wybrane
1 Opcja(e)
  • Applicators (1)
Wybrano Zakres Cen zł65 - zł165
Nie znaleziono produktów w podanym przedziale
